Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Beaches & wildlife Tourism in Gujarat for the best holiday package

Ahmedpur Mandvi Beach

A visit to Ahmedpur Mandvi Beach along with an attendant visit to Tourism of Gujarat, provides an interested tourist with a lot of significant information about the concerned beach which is placed in Gujarat, India. Ahmedpur Mandvi Beach in Gujarat, India, is one of the better known beaches present in Gujarat, India. Ahmedpur Mandvi, in Gujarat, India, is a renowned historic port town of the Maharao of Kachchh. Ahmedpur Mandvi Beach, located in Gujarat, India, is known to be one of the most picturesque beaches in India and also in Gujarat, India.
Ahmedpur Mandvi Beach, in Gujarat, India, is one of those beaches in Gujarat which provide the tourist with a golden opportunity to enjoy holidays in the greatest of measure. Ahmedpur Mandvi Beach, as a travel destination is easy to reach and one finds it located in the Junagarh district. Ahmedpur Mandvi Beach is located at a distance of 298 kilometers from the capital city of Ahmedabad and the beach is well known for water sports facilities of the order of water scooting, skiing, surfing and parasailing in the bubbly azure waters of the Ahmedpur Mandvi Beach in Gujarat, India.

Beyt Dwarka Beach

A visit to Beyt Dwarka Beach along with an attendant visit to Tourism of Gujarat, offers information at the disposal of the visiting tourist that the Beyt Dwarka Beach is one of the lesser known beaches in the annual calendar of the travelers. Beyt Dwarka Beach in Gujarat, India, is located in the deeply historical and religiously popular town of Dwarka, in Gujarat, India, which is known to be of immense importance for the tourists visiting the site from various parts of the country. Beyt Dwarka Beach, in Gujarat, India, comprises of an isolated island called Beyt Dwarka, in Dwarka, Gujarat, India, with the people coming to visit from the seafront of Okha. A ferry or a small boat takes around half an hour to reach the Beyt Dwarka seafront with the separation between the Okha land portion and the Beyt Dwarka Island being that of around four kilometers.
In the Beyt Dwarka Beach, in Gujarat, India, the people and other pilgrims get an opportunity to stay for a brief period of one hour in the Beyt Dwarka island, in Gujarat, India. Then, the Beyt Dwarka, in Gujarat, India, is a very picturesque and scenic island which is enthralling enough for the tourist and attracts them to visit the Beyt Dwarka Beach, situated in Gujarat, India.

Chorwad Beach

A visit to Chorwad Beach in Gujarat, India, offers ample of opportunity to the tourists to know about the ins and outs of the Chorwad Beach in Gujarat, India. Chorwad Beach in Gujarat, India is yet another beautiful and scenic spot which if marketed well can figure high in the itinerary of the domestic and international tourists. Chorwad Beach is an interesting and alluring amalgamation of rocky crags and bowlderish seafront along with jaunty boat rides across the Chorwad seafront and to cap it all with opportunities to visit Porbandar and Somnath and other nearby beach destinations and other travel destinations worth their salt in terms of beauty and ambience.
Chorwad Beach in Gujarat, India, is home to a Palace which has now been transformed into a lovable and attractive resort which was constructed in the past by Nawab Saheb Mohabbat Khan, who was the regional satrap of the times. Nawab Saheb Mohabbat Khan, is one person who organized his dog's bizarre weddings, royal banquets and other related royal processions to his own merriment and since then the memories of such a memorably royal past lie embedded in the confines of the Palace Resort on the Chorwad Beach in Gujarat, India. The Daria Mahal Palace is another structure which is considered attractive in the confines of the Chorwad Beach in Gujarat, India. Then, the exquisite Chorwad Beach, also has an association with Mahatma Gandhi.

Veraval Beach

A visit to Veraval Beach in Gujarat in India is an enlightening one for the tourists and other people who are on a whirlwind tour of beaches and seafronts in Gujarat, India. Veraval Beach in Gujarat, India, is located near the religious city of Somnath in Gujarat, India. Infact, the beach is sometimes known as Somnath Veraval Beach in Gujarat, India.
Veraval Beach in Gujarat, India, is a picturesque and scenic beach and seafront in Gujarat, India. Veraval Beach in Gujarat, India, is located at a distance of 412 kilometers from the capital city of Ahmedabad in Gujarat, India. Veraval is located at a distance of 6 kilometers from the Somnath town and Veraval is supposed to be the fortified royal town of the dynasty of Junagarh in Gujarat, India. The fort in Veraval lies alongside the Veraval Beach and though the very many thick and impressive walls have been pulled down but still the impressive veneer of the Veraval fort near the Veraval Beach remains intact. The Veraval Beach is provided with benches and a jogging track which can be utilized by the morning joggers to exercise in the mornings and one can also go for safe swims in this Veraval Beach in Gujarat, India.
The most enthralling delight of Veraval is the Veraval port which is known all across the land for its various trawlers and country crafts which present an attractive and interesting sight as they are seen unloading their day's catch in the evenings. The Veraval Beach in Gujarat, India, also houses some of the most sophisticated seafood and north Indian food restaurants in various denominations. The Veraval Beach in Gujarat, India, is also near to Sasan and the Kamleshwar Dam, which make up for nearby sightseeing and excursions.

Gopnath Beach

A visit to Gopnath Beach is all what is required by a tourist and traveler who is on a jamboree to discover the delights of Gujarat and especially its divinely picturesque, scenic and resplendent seafront in the form of its various beatific beaches. Gopnath Beach in Gujarat, India, is one such place and travel destination which is popular amongsst the people and the various tourists visiting the beatific and enrapturing beach in Gujarat, India.
Gopnath town in Gujarat, India, was the place of residence of Maharaja Krishna Singhji, at a distance of 75 kilometers from the city of Bhavnagar in Gujarat, India. Gopnath Town in Gujarat, India, is located near the Gopnath Beach in Gujarat, India, with the Gopnath Beach being profusely supplied with a dainty and colorful birdlife along with the presence of limestone cliffs and other adjuncts to the Gopnath Beach like a pleasurable sea breeze and breathtakingly beautiful views to enthrall the tourists who come down to the Gopnath Beach in Gujarat, India, in the hot summer months to get some relaxation from the sultry, trying and immobilizing heat.
Gopnath Beach in Gujarat, India, also houses the world's biggest ship breaking zone and along with that there is the sacred presence of the Talja temple, which is built on a 350 feet high Volcanic hill in Gujarat, India. Gopnath Beach in Gujarat, India, is also home to shallow waters to wade in and soft sands to amble across the beach when relaxation and lazing around is foremost in the minds of the tourists.


Wildlife Tours to Sasangir National Park

A visit to Tourism of Gujarat, offers travel related information that Sasangir National Park, located in Gujarat, India, is a rich cornucopia of wildlife wealth which lies scattered all over the Sasangir National Park, situated in Gujarat, India. Tourism of Gujarat, takes the tourist across the Gir National Park, which is the only remaining abode of Asiatic Lions in the continent. There was a calculation in 1985 and their numbers were found to be 239 though awareness about the fate of Lions had been spread far and wide much before.
Tourism of Gujarat, offers a golden opportunity to the tourists who intend to take up a tour to the Sasangir National park, located in Gujarat, India. Tourism of Gujarat, offers an opportunity to enjoy the big cats, as they are stylishly called during the time of early morning and at the time of dark and dwindling light, which is the dusk, so as to say. Lion, the royal creature and the King of Wilderness creeps low into the deepest of forests and lurches ahead in the search of game in the wilderness of the Gir forests. Then, Sasangir National Park, offers information that it is a deciduous type of forest with the prominent trees being the ber, teak, babul, acacia, jamun which grow freely and commonly in the Gir forests.

Wildlife Tours to Wild Ass Wildlife Sanctuary

A visit to Wild Ass Wildlife Sanctuary, located in Gujarat, India, provides the daredevil and outdoor seeking traveler and enthusiast to discover the traits of the enigmatic and mysterious Wild Ass Wildlife Sanctuary, located in Gujarat, India. A visit to Tourism of Gujarat, takes the interested tourist on an enthralling and exciting odyssey into the wilderness and the rustic terrain of Wild Ass Wildlife Sanctuary, located in Gujarat, India.
Wild Ass Wildlife Sanctuary, located in Gujarat, India, happens to be the largest Wildlife Sanctuary in India with the entire little Rann of Kutch, being called by the name of, "Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary" and the landscape of the Wild Ass Wildlife Sanctuary, located in Gujarat, India, is a continuous flat expanse of land dotted with a distinct seabed and islands known as "baits" with the horse tribe representing the true Indian Wild Ass. These asses predate upon the high outgrowths of grasses in the lonesome and seemingly limitless expanses of land. Wildlife Tours to Wild Ass Wildlife Sanctuary can be a very satiating and exciting experience with the lonesome expanses being an experience of its own unique kind.
Wild Ass Wildlife Sanctuary, located in Gujarat, India, offers a look-in into other animals of the order of Chinkara, Hedgehogand carnivorous animals such as Wolf, Jackal, Fox, and Desert cats too abound in large numbers, here.

Wildlife Tours to Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary

Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary, located 80 kilometers away from the city of Ahmedabad and spread out in an area of 115 square kilometers, is an instant refuge of the birds, both domestic and migratory from the foreign lands. Tourism of Gujarat, takes the tourists and the nature seekers on an odyssey, which includes a look-in into the 250 odd species of birds making Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary, located in Gujarat, India, an ornithologist's delight. The tourists glide through the middle of it all during the sunsets and sunrises, as they wade through the calm and placid waters in the Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary, situated in Gujarat, India.
Tourism of Gujarat, locates the Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary, situated in Gujarat, India, as having a generous sprinkling of birds such as Kingfishers, Egrets, Storks, Cormorants and one can watch most of these predators as they catch fish with their beaks while scooping down from great heights to maim and kill their victims. Tourism of Gujarat, offers information that moorehens, jacanas, grebes, coots feed themselves on the plants that grow around the Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary, located in Gujarat, India. Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary, situated in Gujarat, India, is witness to the great spectacle of birds as they compete with each other for better feeding and nesting locations spread all around Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary, situated in Gujarat, India.

Wildlife Tours to Jessore Sloth Bear Wildlife Sanctuary

A visit to Tourism of Gujarat, takes the seeking out tourist and adventurist among them, to the Jessore Sloth Bear Wildlife Sanctuary, situated in Gujarat, India. Jessore Sloth Bear Wildlife Sanctuary, situated in Gujarat, India, offers a rare opportunity to the visitors to be one with the gifts and the tenor of nature in the confines of the Jessore Sloth Bear Wildlife Sanctuary situated in Gujarat, India.
Jessore Sloth Bear Wildlife Sanctuary, located in Gujarat, India, was declared a Wildlife sanctuary in the year 1978 A.D. in the month of May and the region of Jessore is located on the boundary between Rajasthan and Gujarat, situated in India. Jessore Sloth Bear Wildlife Sanctuary, situated in Gujarat, India, is home to a hilly and rugged terrain, which has within its confines a large number of endangered species. Jessore Sloth Bear Wildlife Sanctuary, Gujarat, India, in a way also plays an important role in the sustenance of the green zone beyond the Desert region of Rajasthan, India. Jessore, situated in Gujarat, India, is a safe heaven for the Sloth Bear, which is an animal greatly popular with the tourists and the adventure seeking travelers who come to visit Jessore Sloth Bear Wildlife Sanctuary, situated in Gujarat, India.

Wildlife Tours to Marine National Park

A visit to Marine National Park and an attendant visit to Tourism of Gujarat, takes the tourist on an odyssey to the Marine National Park, located in Gujarat, India. Marine National Park, situated in Gujarat, India, offers a golden opportunity to the tourists to uncover the secrets and the rich wildlife wealth of Marine National Park, situated in Gujarat, India. Tourism of Gujarat, offers a rare opportunity to find out more about the Marine National Park, situated in Gujarat, India, which is India's first Marine Park and it is spread over a distance of 458 square kilometers and is located in the Gulf of Kutch, situated in Gujarat, India.
Marine National Park, situated in Gujarat, India, is home to one of the most sought after and endangered species of birds known as the Great Indian Bustard, which is found in some of the pockets of the Marine National Park, situated in Gujarat, India. Then, coral reef formations are also another tourist attraction and are one of the core attributes of this exotic Marine National Park, situated in Gujarat, India. Marine National Park, situated in Gujarat, India, is also home to the coral and limestone fortresses found near the Pirotan islands and also the rich deciduous forests found in and around the Marine National Park, located in Gujarat, India.

Wildlife Tours to Velavadar Blackbuck Sanctuary

A visit to Velavadar Blackbuck Sanctuary, situated in Gujarat, India, offers information about the wildlife wealth of the Velavadar Blackbuck Sanctuary, situated in Gujarat, India. A visit to Tourism of Gujarat, takes the interested tourist on an odyssey to the prestigious and rich in wildlife, Velavadar Blackbuck Sanctuary, situated in Gujarat, India. Velavadar Blackbuck Sanctuary, situated in Gujarat, India, offers information that the sanctuary is situated in the Bhavnagar district and is spread over an area of 34 square kilometers in the Bhavnagar district, situated in Gujarat, India.
Velavadar Blackbuck Sanctuary, situated in Gujarat, India, was a private grassland of the princely state of Bhavnagar, situated in Gujarat, India. Velavadar Blackbuck Sanctuary, has saline lands, high tidal mudflats and prosopis shrubland along with simple dense and sparse grasslands. The sanctuary, is, populated by blackbucks, Blue Bull, antelope, Wolf, Jackal, Hyena, Wild boars, jungle cat and a variety of birds as well for the entertainment of the throngs of tourists who come to unearth the beauty and charm of this rare and well protected Velavadar Blackbuck Sanctuary, situated in Gujarat, India.

1 comment:

Hariax Thoria said...

Really nice information.